Terp pearls are typically made of heat-resistant materials like quartz, glass, or ceramic. They are placed inside a heated dab nail or banger, which is part of a dab rig or a similar device. The purpose of terp pearls is to enhance the vaporization and flavor experience of the concentrate.

When the dab nail is heated to the desired temperature, the concentrate is applied to the nail surface. The terp pearl is then dropped into the nail, where it heats up alongside the concentrate. As the user inhales through the rig, the terp pearl creates turbulence and helps distribute the concentrate more evenly across the heated surface. This process can lead to more efficient vaporization and improved flavor.

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8mm wholesale terp pearls

8mm terp balls, a specific size within the broader category of terp pearls, are spherical accessories designed to optimize the dabbing experience. Made from glass these balls are slightly larger than their more common counterparts, providing a unique advantage when used in larger bangers. Their size allows for more effective heat retention and distribution, ensuring that concentrates are vaporized more efficiently and evenly. This results in enhanced flavor profiles and a more consistent vapor production, minimizing waste and maximizing the potency of the dab.

terp pearls wholesale

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